Navigating your career in Northern Ireland’s Construction Industry
Supporting careers in the construction industry through education, collaboration & information.
Construction Futures is an industry-driven force, operated by employers, through the Construction Employers Federation, and the employee representatives from the Unite and GMB Unions.
The joint objective is to identify a range of challenges faced by the construction industry and to develop meaningful solutions.
Construction Futures was created following last year’s EY Industry Skills Review report.
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Did you know…
There are 5,920 construction employers in Northern Ireland, 15% of all employers.
The sector employs approx. 65,000 people, with a total output of approx. £3.3 billion per year.
(NISRA & Department for the Economy)
Every £1 spent on construction creates £2.92 of value to the economy
(CBI and Oxford Economics)
Get in Touch
If you have any questions about Construction Futures or want to get involved, get in touch.
(+44) 028 9087 7143
Construction Futures NI celebrates career opportunities in construction with the winners of St. Patrick’s College's Construction Skill Builder Programme in Dungannon.